hosthatch推送了2020黑五特价VPS主机促销活动,共有三款,其中2G内存年付15美元,8G内存年付30美元以及16G内存年付60美元;对于CPU方面有明确的长时间占用率,均可以偶尔使用100%,对于有需求便宜vps主机、稳定商家的用户可以关注一下吧。商家提供洛杉矶、瑞典、荷兰。中国香港等地区的KVM VPS主机产品,其中香港vps属于国际宽频,不适合内地业务,适合有需求香港主机用于海外业务还是可以的。
选购须知:在后台 先充值,然后发TK说你需要的套餐
NVMe deals:
Available in: Amsterdam, Stockholm, Los Angeles, Zurich, Oslo, Vienna, Warsaw, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Sydney (Hong Kong, Madrid and Milan can be pre-ordered, but delivery will be by December 31st).
1 CPU core (12.5% dedicated, burstable up to 100%) 2 GB RAM 20 GB RAID-10 NVMe 2 TB bandwidth (500 GB in Hong Kong and Sydney) $15 per year
2 CPU core (50% dedicated, burstable up to 200%) 8 GB RAM 40 GB RAID-10 NVMe 5 TB bandwidth (1 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney) $30 per year
3 CPU core (100% dedicated, burstable up to 300%) 16 GB RAM 80 GB RAID-10 NVMe 10 TB bandwidth (1.5 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney) $60 per year